The NY Times has a follow-up on the 33 rescued Chilean miners, most of whom are unable to find jobs and find themselves poorer than a year ago, when their 69-day ordeal began. The sponsored trips to Israel, the U.K. and Disney World have all but dried up. What's left is a group of men suffering from severe post-traumatic stress disorder.

Some of the sad details:

  • Only four have returned to mining. Two others are selling fruits and vegetables out of a truck. One gives motivational speeches. The majority are unemployed.
  • Edison Peña, the Elvis Presley-loving jogger, became the biggest celebrity of the group, appearing on CBS's Late Show and visiting Graceland. He's since been abusing drugs and alcohol.
  • Multiple miners have been experiences nightmares and sleeplessness, and are on a regimen of sedatives and antidepressants.
  • Many are waiting patiently to cash in on a planned Hollywood adaptation, which has yet to be written. (Oy. Bad idea.)

[NYT, Photo via Getty]