Now this is just too easy, but here goes: Curry Todd, a state lawmaker in Tennessee who sponsored a 2009 law allowing people to carry handguns in bars and restaurants provided they don't drink, was arrested last night and "charged with DUI and possession of a handgun while under the influence."

Seems like the Republican party has finally found a decent presidential candidate here:

According to court documents, Rep. Todd was stopped in his GMC Envoy and police say they detected a strong odor of alcohol coming from the vehicle.

He allegedly failed a roadside sobriety test and refused to take a Breathalyzer test. A loaded .38-caliber gun was found in a holster stuffed between the driver seat and the center console.

A police affidavit said Todd was unsteady on his feet, "almost falling down at times." It concluded that Todd was "obviously very impaired and not in any condition to be carrying a loaded handgun."

But did he shoot anyone? Hmm? No, he didn't, so shut up liberals! There is no problem whatsoever here. In fact, Curry Todd is quite the charmer, once you get to know him.

Todd also drew national attention last year for saying in a committee hearing that illegal immigrants can "go out there like rats and multiply" after hearing that federal law requires the state to extend prenatal care to women regardless of their citizenship status because all children born in the U.S. are citizens.

He is an actual cartoon character.

[Left image via AP; right mugshot via AP/Metropolitan Nashville Police]