Billionaire Walmart Heiress Arrested for DWI

Alice Walton, billionaire daughter of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton, was arrested for DWI on the night of her 62nd birthday in Mineral Wells, Texas. Last time she got a DWI, Alice screamed, "I'm Alice Walton, bitch!" No such outbursts this time. That we know of. Yet.
For reference, Alice is the first cousin once removed of Peggy Walton, the Wal-Mart heiress who returned her USC diploma (and lost the campus sports arena named after her) when her roommate admitted to doing all her homework for $20,000.
According to Forbes, Alice is the tenth richest person in America, and 21st richest in the world. Occupy Wal-Mart? [Mineral Wells Index, photo via AP]
Update: Through a spokesman, Alice Walton apologizes:
Ms. Walton was pulled over by a patrolman with the Department of Public Safety for driving 71 mph in an unattended 55 mph construction zone," Walton's attorny, Dee J. Kelly, said in a statement. "She was returning home from a birthday dinner with friends at a Fort Worth restaurant. She accepts full responsibility for this unfortunate incident and deeply regrets it.
Her blood alcohol content was 0.16.