Lindsay Lohan's probation is at risk again, but people are mostly worried about her teeth. Ashton's mistress makes a video. Adam Levine is naked, again. Hilary Duff is four months pregnant. Friday gossip wonders if the toothbrushes are better in jail.

  • Lindsay Lohan's community service program fired her. I didn't know that could happen? Apparently Lindsay "violated the rules multiple times," "blew off nine scheduled visits," and "when she did show up, she would often bail after working there for only an hour." She is actually incapable of helping others. LiLo was supposed to do 360 hours at the Downtown Women's Center of L.A. by May 2012 (plus 120 hours at the morgue) but has completed only 21. She's also been blowing off her court-ordered shrink. Next week she goes back to court for a progress report and "could go to jail" again. [TMZ, TMZ, images via Getty]
  • In other urgent Lindsay Lohan news, did you see her teeth on the red carpet last night? "Stained brown," "rotting," "decayed," just like her uncharitable soul! And her hands were dirty, and her face was weird, and god, I bet she farted. Obligatory indignant publicist statement:
  • Lindsay is widely acknowledged as one of the most stunning actresses of her day, and we get requests every week wanting to do photo shoots with her from top photographers. She's been on the cover of Vanity Fair and the top beauty and fashion magazines. She's a beautiful and glamorous actress. With everything going on—from deteriorating public education to rampant homelessness to international unrest—there is no way I'm going to comment on Lindsay's teeth.

  • Quit distracting this celebrity publicist from his other job, solving the international AIDS crisis. [Us, Popbytes, People]

Lindsay's reverse French tip manicure, however? Cute. [Image via Getty]

  • Hilary Duff is four months pregnant with a baby boy. "It's kind of like a little alien has taken over your body." [JustJared]
  • Julia Roberts on playing Ryan Reynolds's mother: "Bizarre at first, because he's so tall!" The fact that they were born only nine years apart, however, was no problem at all. [Us]
  • Here's a video of Ashton Kutcher's bareback slam piece Sara Leal discussing their night of naked hot tub fucking. For some reason Us Weekly staged it like an ad for Gardasil, or a Focus on the Family PSA about the dangers of starfucking. With downcast eyes and professionally styled hair, Sara poses prettily in a verdant garden. "I'm a normal 22-year-old girl, and I spent the night with someone who I thought was separated. Ever since, my life has been a mess. If I'd known he was happily married, none of this would ever happen." And that's why you never raw dog a celebrity until you stalk him on the internet for at least 20 minutes. [Us, Dlisted]
  • Adam Levine continues to love being naked, getting looked at. [Us]

Kim Kardashian tried on a burqa in Dubai, and tweeted a picture. [@KimKardashian, Us]

  • Ne-Yo's second child was born on Monday. Name and gender unknown-yo. [Us]