We missed the Michele Bachmann/Donald Trump joint "tele-townhall" this evening, because it was a Michele Bachmann/Donald Trump joint "tele-townhall." But maybe we made the wrong decision, because it sounds like it was a trip.

According to Bachmann, an empty-eyed Iowan absurdity, 200,000 people—one imagines many of them have the right to vote, in this country—called in to ask questions of herself and Donald Trump, an enormous cadmium goober who has lost a great deal of money. The call lasted about 90 minutes, though Trump hopped off after an hour; a number of topics were covered, including Occupy Wall Street:

Alice from New Hampshire asked why Republican leaders were not speaking out against "what appears to be Marxist groups down there on Wall Street,'' a reference to the growing but unfocused protests. Mr. Trump said he had witnessed a weekend march down Broadway, and "it was not a pleasant sight.''

Mrs. Bachmann had a more nuanced view. On the one hand, she said, "People are looking at this and trying to figure out, is this a George Soros-inspired protest?''

To the growing Solyndra scandal:

Trump: Solyndra is a "sin." Bachmann: "This is a sin. This is Michele Bachmann." Line goes dead for 1 minute.

To Trump's own aborted candidacy:

"When I left the race, as Michele will tell you, I was leading the polls. And it was because I talked about China and OPEC. Not just the birth certificate, which i'm very proud of, i got this guy to show it. Someone should continue to analyze that whole deal by the way."

All in all, it sounds like a real treat. Trump isn't endorsing Bachmann, but he's "gotten to know [her] very well" and thinks she'd be a "huge improvement" over President Obama—who, as Trump pointed out has made only "one [real estate] deal" (a "very shaky" deal for his house in Chicago) to Trump's hundreds.

[NYT, Politico, LAT, @DavidCornDC, image via AP]