After having her bail revoked yesterday for shirking on probation requirements, wounded magpie Lindsay Lohan shirked again: She arrived two hours late for her first court-mandated community service session at the L.A. County Morgue, forcing the morgue to turn her away.

Update: The morgue ended up accepting Lindsay, after all! Happy day. Here's what the zombie-cheeked lady had to say for herself:

With all of the stress and pressure from yesterday and today, I've never been so happy to go to therapy!!!! Also, I'm sorry for the confusion that I may of caused to those at the Coroner's office. Won't happen again, now I know where to go! Thank you for your help.

In case you've already forgotten, yesterday's bail revocation came after Lindsay flunked out of court-ordered community service with the L.A. Downtown Women's Center. [LAT, image from yesterday's court appearance via Getty]