In your magic Monday media column: Michele Norris takes a hiatus at NPR, fuckery at Gannett, The Daily Beast TV is here, newspapers roll out a false slogan, and Charlie Rose on morning television would be... good.

  • NPR host Michele Norris (the one who's always like "Meee-shell Norris." You know who I'm talking about!) says she will "temporarily step away from my hosting duties until after the 2012 elections." Why, Mee-shell? "My husband, Broderick Johnson, has just accepted a senior advisor position with the Obama Campaign." Selfish. Selfish, selfish job-accepting, Broderick. Come check me out, Mee-shell. I will never be offered a better job. Gurl U no U don't need him.
  • David Carr points out that the $37 million golden parachute that Gannett gave to its departing CEO after he gutted the company and oversaw a plummeting of its value makes Gannett almost as loathsome and hypocritical as the mighty Tribune Co. Now that's loathsome! The New York Times Co. is comparatively not so loathsome at all!
  • Tina Brown is launching The Daily Beast TV! Who cares, honestly? Honestly.
  • The Newspaper Association of America is finally launching its "Smart is the new sexy" ad campaign, which we heard about months ago. Newspaper industry: slow, liars.
  • Charlie Rose on his discussions with CBS about joining The Early Show: "I'm intrigued by the fact that they want to do it differently." By "do it differently" I guess he means "indulge in the unmitigated disaster which would be a bleary-eyed Charlie Rose on morning television." "Nobody could have seen this coming a million miles away," they'll be saying a year from now as they brush the detritus of this decision under the rug.

[Photo: Getty]