Is Frances Bean Cobain Marrying a Kurt Cobain Look-Alike?

The O.C. Weekly is speculating that teenage property tax payer Frances Bean Cobain and rocker Isaiah Silva are getting married after a year or so of successful dating. Their primary evidence: screenshots of comments the two lovebirds left on each others' Facebook profiles, including one in which Cobain gushes about spending "the rest of my life loving my best friend," and Silva refers to his "fiance."
The Weekly's secondary evidence: confirmations from unnamed sources. But we're most convinced by the collection of side-by-side comparisons of Silva and Cobain, which show that from certain angles, and in certain lighting, in certain photographs, the young still-alive rocker strongly resembles his future father-ghost-in-law. Like Frances Bean's dad, Silva doesn't shave on the regular and likes his hair kind of long and wears plaid shirts. He's also a musician. Sometimes he makes funny faces, just like Kurt used to make funny faces, and when he stands under red spotlights it looks like he has red hair, which Kurt Cobain occasionally wore. It's just spooky, is what it is.
Of course, there are pictures where Silva—whose band is the Rambles—looks nothing at all like Kurt, so maybe the comparisons are more farfetched than convincing in the end. But that shouldn't stop us from speculating that Frances Bean really wishes she could marry her dad, and that this is the real reason why she is marrying him—and also why she and her mom don't get along.