Cobain Daughter Slams Kardashian Sister for Tweeting About Tough Life
Neetzan Zimmerman · 05/24/13 04:40PMDid Nirvana Fan Paul Ryan Steal His 'Bean' Anecdote from Kurt Cobain?
Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/12/12 11:00AMFrances Cobain: 'Twitter Should Ban My Mother'
Maureen O'Connor · 04/12/12 05:03PMCourtney Love Accuses Dave Grohl of Seducing Her Daughter (UPDATE: Dave Grohl's Publicist Getting Pissy)
Maureen O'Connor · 04/11/12 10:50AM
Last night on her private Twitter account @cbabymichelle, Courtney Love accused 43-year-old Nirvana drummer Dave Grohl of putting the moves on 19-year-old Frances Bean Cobain, whom she claims went home with Grohl. "He had that romney rape thing about him," she mysteriously concludes about the "gross old man macking on Kurt Cobain's only child."
Frances Bean Cobain Says Courtney Love Killed Her Pets
Brian Moylan · 02/02/12 11:48AMIs Frances Bean Cobain Marrying a Kurt Cobain Look-Alike?
Lauri Apple · 10/26/11 07:10AM
The O.C. Weekly is speculating that teenage property tax payer Frances Bean Cobain and rocker Isaiah Silva are getting married after a year or so of successful dating. Their primary evidence: screenshots of comments the two lovebirds left on each others' Facebook profiles, including one in which Cobain gushes about spending "the rest of my life loving my best friend," and Silva refers to his "fiance."
Courtney Love Wants to Kill Kurt Cobain Again After She Has Sex With Him Again
Leah Beckmann · 10/05/11 11:42PM
For perpetually calm and collected Courtney Love, it seems that time does not heal all wounds. She's still seething over Kurt Cobain's suicide. She's so enraged, in fact, that if Kurt should somehow rise from the beyond, she says she'd kill him again. And not only that! She also says she'd make sure to have sex with him one more time before finishing him off.
Simon Cowell's Sexy Date with 8-Months-Pregnant Denise Richards
Maureen O'Connor · 09/08/11 10:42AMReal Housewives Suicide Aftermath Gets Ugly Fast
Maureen O'Connor · 08/17/11 11:10AMCourtney Love's Birthday Message to Daughter: I Could Ruin You
Maureen O'Connor · 08/19/10 03:40PMThat Flannel Shirt Is Long Gone By Now
Richard Lawson · 08/18/10 02:18PMSmells Like Teen Angst: Let's Psychoanalyze Frances Bean Cobain's Art
Maureen O'Connor · 07/15/10 01:13PMAshton and Demi Want to Have Babies
Maureen O'Connor · 04/10/10 10:22AMBrangelina's Sex Life Not as Noisy as Previously Thought
Maureen O'Connor · 03/14/10 09:51AMCourtney Love Finds a New Child to Terrorize Now that Her Daughter Has a Restraining Order
Maureen O'Connor · 02/26/10 06:49AMLiLo's Missed Flight; Alec Baldwin's Night From Hell
cityfile · 02/12/10 08:05AM
• Lindsay Lohan was supposed to go to Vienna so she could accompany creepy billionaire Richard Lugner to the Vienna Opera Ball. (He brings a different celeb or model to the event every year and pays them $150,000 for the pleasure.) Sadly, Lindsay missed her chance to collect the much-needed cash. She ran up a $22K bill at the airport duty free shop and couldn't pay the bill, and the ensuing drama forced her to miss the flight. So she didn't get Lugner's check, she has $22K in stuff she doesn't need, and her house is even more cluttered. That worked out well! [DM, P6]
• The reason Alec Baldwin was rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night yesterday? Apparently he got into a fight with his 14-year-old daughter, Ireland, over the phone and threatened to "take some pills," then she called 911 and an ambulance showed up, and Alec was like, "Ugh, fine I'll go to the hospital," and he spent about an hour in the ER before doctors sent him home. His rep says it was "all a misunderstanding," and it's possible that his ex-wife, Kim Basinger, actually prompted Ireland to call 911 in an effort to embarrass him. But Alec didn't make the situation any better when he returned home on Thursday night and "assaulted" a Post photographer who was waiting for him outside his apartment building. [Fox411, NYP, Daily News, Us]
• John Mayer broke down on stage in Nashville on Wednesday, thanked his band for standing by him, and vowed to "quit the media game." Finally! [Us]
• Bill Clinton was hospitalized yesterday after complaining of chest pains. Doctors inserted two stents into a blocked artery and the ex-president is now at home in Chappaqua and "in good spirits." [People]
Gosselin Ex Describes 'Three Inch' Penis in Magazine that Will Haunt Your Nightmares
Maureen O'Connor · 02/12/10 06:45AMSarandon and Robbins Split; Mary J. Blige Unleashes
cityfile · 12/24/09 08:04AM
• One of Hollywood's longest-lasting relationships is over: After 23 years and two sons, Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins announced yesterday that they've called it quits. One possible reason for the split: It seems Sarandon may have been having an affair with one of the owners of Spin, the "ping pong social club" that opened this fall and in which she's an investor. [Gawker, P6]
• Mary J. Blige is not to be messed with, clearly. At her CD release party earlier this week, she smacked husband Kendu Isaacs—or punched, depending on which account of the incident you want to go with—after she noticed him checking out a waitress. [NYDN, P6]
• Members of the cast of Jersey Shore have moved to the second chapter of "Exploiting Reality TV Stardom: Practices & Procedures": They're asking to be paid appearance fees to show up at clubs. Alas, not even a club in Hoboken was willing to cough up the $10K that they've been asking for. [P6]
Kate Hudson Mourns; Anne Hathaway Unharmed
cityfile · 12/17/09 08:00AM
• A-Rod dumpee Kate Hudson was "consoled" by fellow Rodriguez ex Madonna at the premiere of Nine on Tuesday night. As for A-Rod, he was spotted in Miami yesterday, where he supposedly made the moves on a blonde at a restaurant but came up short. There's hope for A-Rod and Kate yet, though. The two have reportedly been speaking on the phone this week, and Hudson is still hoping they can patch things up. [P6, NYDN]
• A car that Anne Hathaway was riding in struck a cyclist in LA yesterday. Thankfully, Anne emerged unscathed. But ever the good girl, she hopped out of the car to tend to the biker and was photographed looking concerned. [TMZ, People]
• Today in Tiger: Elin Nordegren has supposedly made up her mind that she's leaving him, and has been shopping for divorce attorneys before she plans to head to Sweden for Christmas; Woods' high school girlfriend is now blaming the whole mess on Tiger's father, who may have been a serial cheater; Jessica Simpson is denying reports she ever hooked up with the golfer; and as for Tiger himself, he's supposedly spent the past few days holed up at home where he spends his time eating cereal, watching cartoons, and feeling depressed.