Seems that all the revolutionary goings-on in Libya have made North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il a bit nervous. He doesn't really want his people to get any funny ideas, like "oh shit—why do we obey this dude again? He's not even hot."

Problem is, about 200 North Korean nationals are currently stationed in Libya—sent there, the UK Telegraph reports, "in order to earn the hard currency that Pyongyang requires to fund its missile and nuclear weapons programmes," and now exposed to the notion that maybe life presents alternatives to worshiping some sadistic, nasty cheeseburger-loving old weird guy. Witnessing all that rebellion against dictatorship over the past few months has contaminated their brains. So North Korea's government has decided they're dangerous and can't come back to live in their own country.

The Telegraph quotes an editorial that spells out the situation:

"Pyongyang's silence about the fall of the dictators in Tunisia and Egypt and the bloody death of Gaddafi reveals Kim Jong-il's awareness of the vulnerability of his regime in the process of a third-generation dynastic succession of power," the [Korea Herald] said.

"Despite their boasting of the perfect loyalty of the 23 million people to the party and the leader, the ruling elite are afraid of what effect the information on the fates of the overseas dictatorships will have on the oppressed people of the country."

Hope those 200 people enjoy living in Libya! They probably get a lot of sun there, at least.

[Telegraph UK. Image via AP]