
Kim Jong-Un Is a Dictator, According to His 'Hipster' Nephew

Taylor Berman · 10/19/12 08:37PM

In a recent interview with Finnish journalist (and former United Nations undersecretary general) Elisabeth Rehn, Kim Han-sol, the grandson of deceased North Korean looker-at-things Kim Jong Il, called his Uncle Kim Jong-un a "dictator." Despite the obviousness of the statement, this is big news because, well, there probably aren't too many people in his family willing to say shit like that in public, if at all.

Who Is Kim Jong-Un's Sexy Mystery Woman?

Adrian Chen · 07/10/12 12:40PM

Last weekend may have witnessed the geopolitical equivalent of the Kanye West-Kim Kardashian Date of the Century, when North Korean leader Kim Jong-un showed up at a couple events with a mystery woman in tow. But was it his wife, his mistress or just his boring sister at his side? And what does it all mean?

North Koreans Working in Libya Are Totally Screwed

Lauri Apple · 10/27/11 06:12AM

Seems that all the revolutionary goings-on in Libya have made North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il a bit nervous. He doesn't really want his people to get any funny ideas, like "oh shit—why do we obey this dude again? He's not even hot."

Listen to Kim Kardashian's New Single "Jam"

Whitney Jefferson · 03/02/11 06:20PM

Well now! It's highly-autotuned and incredibly repetitive, but we'll let you decide exactly how you feel about Kim's musical debut. Let's just say we think this song could be a follow-up to the Jersey Shore's Angelina and her musical debut.

Christina Aguilera's Sexy Open Marriage Was Maybe Too Sexy

Adrian Chen · 10/16/10 09:51AM

Christina Aguilera liked to hook up with women while married to Jordan Bratman. Jon Gosselin wants his kids off TV. And exclusive Dina Lohan interview can be yours for just thousands of dollars. Saturday Gossip Roundup is a bottled genie.