'Latino Leather Trousers' Are 'Dark Tan'

UPDATED Is this a typo? Please say this is a typo. Middleton-approved fashion house Temperley London is selling "Latino Leather Trousers" on its website. Production description:
These dark tan Lantino Leather Trousers make them the perfect addition to your fall wardrobe. The sexy skinny fit with visible seams for a lengthening effect makes a versatile trouser for day or night.
"Lantino" does not appear to be any Google-able type of leather or trouser, but maybe it's some sort of British fashion jargon? Racialicious notes that "Lantino" is Latin for "Latin." So maybe these are the sexy, versatile leather pants that Livius Andronicus preferred? [Racialicious]
Update: A Temperley London spokesperson says "Latino Leather Pants" was a typo:
We are sorry if this caused offence, it was a copy error. As can be seen in the product description below, these pants are called LANTINO, and we amended the product title name immediately when we saw this copy error. Again, please realise no offense was intended.
So what does "Lantino" mean?
A nonscence word as the Fall collection was based on Matadors—more for a culture, not the ethnicity as it was copy errored.