
Finding Light at the Black Party

Rich Juzwiak · 03/25/13 01:22PM

When I decided last week that I'd attend Saturday's Black Party—the 34th annual iteration of it, and my first—I reached out to some friends to gauge their interest level or otherwise get their reactions.

17-Year-Old Taylor Momsen: 'Music Keeps Me Young'

Maureen O'Connor · 08/17/10 04:23PM

The oldest soul in show business and inadvertent comedienne Taylor Momsen gave an interview to Spin in which she ridicules Rihanna for confusing "pop" with "rock." Highlights from the Gossip Girl star turned jailbait rocker's wonderfully funny interview below.

Anderson Cooper Madly Obsessed With Living Lohan

Ryan Tate · 08/05/08 10:31PM

Did you catch Anderson Cooper on Live! With Regis And Kelly this morning? If you did, you got something of look inside the CNN heartthrob's conflicted soul. First Cooper said his favorite Project Runway contestant is the one who's really into leather — heh. Then came a long stretch where Cooper really couldn't stop himself from revealing more and more of his involuntary obsession with the with the "atrocious... trainwreck" of a reality show Living Lohan. Cooper said actress Lindsay Lohan's mother Dina and sister Ali are "horrific people," with Ali set to become a "striptease person" (well, of course). But he can't look away — Cooper even makes time for the show while reporting in a warzone. And don't we all sorta feel that way about reality television? This is why Anderson Cooper is America's Secret Boyfriend. Fall in love with him all over again after the jump.

Do She? She Do!

Choire · 07/19/07 12:00PM

Eavesdropping on the gays is the surest way to find out what products and people are hot and what are not. Rod Townsend records the gays in and around their natural environment of Fire Island and reports back. All dialogue 100% verbatim.