Bill O'Reilly Wants to Restore the USA, One Coffee Mug at a Time

Now that Glenn Beck's revival show is out of the picture, there's room for another gauzy, revanchist "movement" at Fox News. And it looks like it will be led by corrupt falafelist Bill O'Reilly. His corporation has trademarked the phrase "Restore the USA" for use on key chains, coffee mugs, and t-shirts.
Bill Me, Inc. (get it!) filed to trademark "Restore the USA" on October 1, as TVNewser first noted.

Bill Me, which has offices at News Corp.'s New York headquarters, also holds the trademark on "Bold and Fresh," "Don't Be a Pinhead," and other clever O'Reillyisms.
The trademark application covers bumper stickers, key chains, mugs, and t-shirts and jackets. TVNewser speculates that it is related to a late-September rant O'Reilly made about the GOP's efforts to "restore America." So prepare yourself to be restored.