An outfit called My Porn Production hopes to add one more title to the growing international finance porn genre by making a film about ex-IMF chief/brutal love machine Dominique Strauss-Kahn and his recent hotel sex scandal, which involved rape allegations. Sexy! Will you make a financial donation and support the arts?

The Local tells us that just €50 will get your name in the credits of My Porn's parodistic movie, in which DSK is renamed David Sex King and Nafissatou Diallo—the hotel worker who claimed DSK raped her—well, we're not sure if she gets a fancy name or not, or what she does in the movie exactly. Talk to prosecutors? Try to clear her name in the press? Discuss tort law with her lawyers? So many possibilities here.

While it's true that the Manhattan District Attorney's Office dropped the rape charges against DSK after Diallo's credibility came into question, we still think that making a movie about this scandal is pretty damn gross. A story based on rape allegations, the exploits of an alleged predator, and a substantial power imbalance just doesn't sound like sexy entertainment. Diallo still has a civil suit pending against DSK, who has faced rape allegations from other women—most notably Tristane Banon (her own charges against DSK were dropped by French prosecutors last month). To our knowledge, Diallo hasn't publicly commented on DXK—she might not know about it yet—but we can't imagine that she'll be donating €50 to the cause.

[The Local. Photo via AP]