In your wispy Wednesday media column: Jared Kushner's latest scheme, Michele Norris's replacement, the gradual death of print continues, Harper's Bazaar revamps, and Chris Matthews make a funny.

  • Dylan Byers says that the New York Observer's parent company is now "targeting the high-end Chinese tourist market," with a new magazine about, you guessed it, expensive shit in New York that Chinese people might like. This is all part of Jared Kushner's strategy of "regretting he ever bought into this business." Eh, just give up, turn the whole shitshow over to Dan Abrams, and get into the jewelry business already, dude.
  • While NPR's Mee-shellll Norris is on hiatus thanks to her dumb husband, her fill-in will be Audie Cornish. Such names!
  • The latest newspaper circulation figures are out, and guess what, the slow but inexorable decline of print newspapers continues apace, okay? If you're really into details you can see all the numbers here. But we've covered the big picture.
  • Harper's Bazaar is going through a big revamp. By next spring, over 80% of the magazine's editorial content will be dedicated to monster trucks. Just kidding, it will still be about ladies in clothes. Different paper, though.
  • Check out the laff line that big-mouthed (honorary) Masshole Chris Matthews delivered at a party last night: "Governor George Pataki is here, proving the bipartisan nature of all MSNBC activities," Matthews quipped. "He is here to lean forward, lean forward like the rest of us, ha!" Now laugh.

[Photo via Getty]