Judge: Abuse of Disabled Daughter 'Not as Bad as It Looks on Tape'

Judge William Adams—who became Internet Enemy No. 1 last night following the publication of a video showing him beating his disabled daughter—has spoken. He wants everyone to know that he apologized. And that the beating was "not as bad as it looks on tape."
Update: See the full interview, and a statement from Hillary Adams' mom, here.
The thing is,"not as bad as it looks" would still be really bad. According to KRIS-TV's Andy Liscano:
Judge Adams told us, "It happened years ago.. I apologized."
When asked if he thought the conduct in the video was excessive, Judge Adams said, "It's not as bad as it looks on tape."
Judge Adams also informed us he has already contacted the Judicial Review in Austin and "more will come out" during the investigation.
Judicial Review isn't the only thing he has to deal with, either: According to the Aransas County website, "the matter is now under review by the Police Department"—all thanks to Hillary Adams, who recorded and uploaded the video of herself being beaten, and the internet vigilantes who saw the video, shared it, and contacted authorities.
Of course, internet vigilantism brings with it a lot of extra baggage. Poor beleaguered county employees are also asking—begging—that even the well-intentioned "[p]lease refrain from communication with County offices or the Sheriff's Department on this matter until the review has been completed."
KZTV's Keaton Fox reports that courthouse staffers are "getting death threats." Even Hillary is asking that people "stop threatening her father"—who, she says, "needs professional help and not hatred."
Update: Hillary Adams' mom, now divorced from William Adams, has given a statement. You can read it, and see the full KZTV interview with William Adams, here.