Just as Massachusetts Senate candidate and liberal deity Elizabeth Warren was getting into a meeting with volunteers in Brockton last night, a decidedly unfriendly heckler rose up and started hurling accusations — and what experts are calling a "gender-based epithet"!

He was a supporter of the Tea Party, and unemployed. Why is Elizabeth Warren personally causing all of these Wall Street riots while he is unemployed, he wondered. Why?

From the Huffington Post, which captured all of this on video:

The crowd tried to shout the man down, but Warren told her supporters to let him speak. "No, no, it's alright. Let me say two things," she said. "I'm very sorry that you've been out of work. I'm also very sorry that the recent jobs bill that would've brought 22,000 jobs to Massachusetts did not pass in the Senate."

Speaking in a packed VFW hall, Warren went on to address his question about her association with Occupy Wall Street. "I've been protesting what's been going on on Wall Street for a very long time," she said, but added that the movement has its own independent agenda and will proceed along its own course.

"Yeah, so has the Tea Party," the man said, before losing his cool.

[There was a video here]

The precise manner in which the heckler lost his cool was to say "you're a socialist whore. I don't want anything to do with you," and then refer to "her boss," the President, as "foreign-born." He then tried to exit the room but couldn't escape through a locked door. The "angry guy struggles to get through locked door" gag is usually a sure thing, comedy-wise, and this is no exception.

Warren reflected on the incident later. "I was thinking more about the heckler," she told HuffPo. "I'm not angry with him, but he didn't come up with the idea that his biggest problem was Occupy Wall Street. There's someone else pre-packaging that poison — and that's who makes me angry."

Perhaps the man had seen the Massachusetts GOP's recent attack ad, "Matriarch of Mayhem," a few hundred times or so. It's brilliant. Elizabeth Warren should embrace the title "Matriarch of Mayhem," right? How great a title is that? I would kill to be dubbed the "MATRIARCH OF MAYHEM," and I'm a guy! But I guess she can't embrace it, because of dumb politics.

[Image via AP, video via HuffPo]