In your manic Monday media column: Hackgate grows marginally dirtier, journalism majors make dat money, Malcolm Gladwell on Steve Jobs, the media lies, and Martin Nisenholtz retires.

  • Hackgate revelation of the day: Nick Davies reports that the News of the World hired private eyes to spy on the lawyers representing the victims of illegal phone hacking by News of the World. Well, that's both remarkably dirty and perfectly within our expectations of something that the tabloid would do. How's that battle for the soul of the company going, News Corp shareholders?
  • News fact: "Journalism majors make about $50,000." In their lifetime. Kidding, in just one year! Are you making less than that? What a loser you are. Loser, loser, loser, of journalism. Let's all say it together: "Don't get in this for the money."
  • Are you the type of person who thinks to himself, "I would like to read Malcolm Gladwell's analysis of Steve Jobs?" Right, well, this piece is for you.
  • 64% of people believe that the media is dishonest. Specifically, that "There are too many people in the media who are downright dishonest." Well yes, one is too many, agree! Stupid poll questions.
  • The NYT announced in an internal memo today that Martin Nisenholtz, the SVP in charge of the paper's online strategy, is going to retire after 16 years on the job. Smart man, Martin. Don't go writing any books about your dog, though.

[Photo: AP]