[There was a video here]

Before the movie even began filming there was talk of The Hunger Games all over Twitter, at middle school lunch tables, and on the cover of what seems like a zillion issues of Entertainment Weekly. The first trailer even got a premiere on Good Morning America today. What's the big deal?

Well, with no more gold to mine from lightning-faced-phantom Harry Potter and Twilight ending it's Mormon cult hold over the collective imagination, the young people (and pop culture hounds) of this country need a piece of juvenile literature to fixate on. Hence, The Hunger Games, a trilogy of novels set in a post-Apocalyptic future where teens must fight to the death in an American Idol-esque competition. OK, that actually sounds pretty rad.

Based on the trailer for the first movie, it looks pretty fun: part stark dreariness, part neon-glow futurism, part action adventure, and part Jennifer Lawrence winning our hearts killing things just like she did in Winter's Bone. I sort of wanted to be able to ignore this as more pop fluff but it actually looks like something I would really be into. Damn you, Hunger Games, why do you make me believe the hype.