Facebook Is Drowning in a Flood of Hardcore Porn

If you walked by your coworker today and saw hardcore porn filling her screen, there may be an innocent explanation. Some sort of hack is currently spewing porn and gore all over Facebook. It's a porn flood!
For the last couple days, Facebook has been "inundated with pornographic images and links," reader Adam Sank tells us.
They appear as updates on your news feed, but they're attributed to users who have nothing to do with their being posted.
The pictures are REALLY graphic — a closeup of a woman fingering herself, an erect dick, etc.
Facebook seems to be at a loss as to how to stop this from happening. It's kind of funny, but also scary when you're at work and your boss walks past your computer just as a giant cock appears on your screen.
I haven't personally seen any porn, but Sank sent a screenshot of his newsfeed graced with a hugely tumescent dude as proof. (We'll spare you the sight.)
It's not just porn, either. The sorts of things you'd find on an average trip to 4chan are now just popping up in innocent user's newsfeeds. Actress Courtney Zito told the Christian Post today, "Just saw one with a guy who had his skull bashed in and his brains on the street. Another one was the devil... Besides the countless naked girls. I'm about ready to deactivate…"
Judging from the huge stream of complaints on Twitter, the smut and gore is cutting a wide swath on Facebook. Here are a few tweets from a one minute span:
- IBTREY: "Yep Facebook done turned into a porn site"
- seanniex: "Why is Facebook turning into porn?"
- DriveA_Lexus: Facebook Is officially a porn site.... All I see is sex photos and videos.
- BriannaLaughlin: I can't go on facebook anymore because it's a legit porn site.
One particular memorable picture making the rounds is something called "Jesus porn?"

Embattled Facebook users have been organizing anti-porn pages, like "I remember when Facebook WASN'T a porn site!"
Worms and scams aren't uncommon on Facebook, but the porn flood appears to be of a different magnitude than most Facebook exploits. What's going on? One potential lead: hackers associated with Anonymous claimed last week to be developing a powerful "Guy Fawkes virus" with which they would attack Facebook. Spamming gore and porn is definitely one of Anonymous' trademark moves.
Facebook must be fuming at this defilement of their users' pure white news feeds. Its prude moderators censor a even a tasteful drawing of a nude woman if it looks too realistic. It's the internet: Porn finds a way.