ISIS Calls Anonymous "Idiots"
Ashley Feinberg · 11/18/15 02:30PMThe Shitty Memes of the KKK
Sam Biddle · 11/05/15 07:06PMSocial Media Journalist Matthew Keys Guilty on Hacking Charges, Could Face 25 Years in Prison
Sam Biddle · 10/07/15 05:40PM4chan Troll Claims He Framed Feminist for Transphobic Promoted Tweet
Jay Hathaway · 05/20/15 04:22PMAnonymous Threatens to Release Stills From Alleged Iggy Azalea Sex Tape
Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/21/14 08:45PMAnonymous Singles Out Member Who Doxed the Wrong Man as Killer "Cop"
Adam Weinstein · 08/20/14 11:00AM
As protest leaders in Ferguson, Missouri, contend with "outside agitators" they say have disrupted their peaceful demonstrations, the hackers in Anonymous have run into a similar problem: An "uncontrollable pest" whose reckless decision last week to accuse an innocent cop of killing Michael Brown embarrassed and marginalized the would-be activist group.
Anonymous Made the Stepmother of Its Doxed "Cop" Cry
Jordan Sargent · 08/14/14 05:36PMAnonymous Vows to ID Michael Brown's Killer
Adam Weinstein · 08/13/14 02:10PMAnonymous Backs Off Its Threat to Dox Missouri Police Chief's Daughter
Adam Weinstein · 08/12/14 03:46PMOn Sunday night, the network of hactivists known as Anonymous released an impassioned video demand for justice in the killing of unarmed black teen Michael Brown by police in Ferguson, Missouri. But a specific Anonymous threat against county Police Chief Jon Belmar this afternoon backfired in a big way.
Police Fire Rubber Bullets and Tear Gas on Ferguson, Mo. Protestors
Gabrielle Bluestone · 08/11/14 11:06PMAnonymous Vows Action Over Shooting Death of Unarmed Teen
Adam Weinstein · 08/11/14 08:18AMAnonymous, the hacktivist network, released a video message Sunday encouraging protests and threatening their own actions against the police who shot 18-year-old Michael Brown and left him for dead in the streets of Ferguson, Missouri.
A Framed Printout of a 4chan Screenshot Just Went for $90,000 on Ebay
Jay Hathaway · 08/04/14 02:46PMAnonymous Tries to Found a Legit News Organization, It Goes Badly
Michelle Dean · 05/12/14 11:52AM
A little over a year ago, some members of the Anonymous hacktivist collective decided they'd try to found their own news organization. So they did what young people who have a dream do as a matter of course these days: they set up an Indiegogo campiagn. They raised over $50,000. And now more than $30,000 of that is gone.
Is An Internet "Magna Carta" Even Possible?
Michelle Dean · 03/13/14 12:08PM
The other day, Sir Tim Berners-Lee told the Guardian that he’d like to discuss a new “Magna Carta” for the internet. “Magna Carta” is a headline gloss; what the inventor of the world wide web really wants, he says, is a bill of rights—some new document that addresses “principles of privacy, free speech and responsible anonymity":
There Might Have Been More Than One Lulzsec FBI Mole
Sarah Hedgecock · 01/10/14 02:50PMJenna Jameson Uses Her Tits to Turn 4chan Into Her Personal Army [NSFW]
Neetzan Zimmerman · 01/06/14 10:20AMSpecial Prosecutor Appointed in Maryville Rape Case
Lacey Donohue · 10/21/13 09:41PM
A Northwest Missouri circuit court judge appointed Jackson County prosecutor Jean Peters Baker on Monday to head up the new investigation the alleged Maryville rape case. At a news conference Monday afternoon, Baker addressed concerns that the alleged rapists have been given special treatment because of family political connections.