Calling all unemployed Okies with underutilized graduate degrees! Many government positions have opened up in Oakland, California, in the past few weeks as one city official after another has abandoned Mayor Jean Quan's administration. Several new positions are waiting to be filled!

As reported by the Mercury News, both Oakland Deputy Mayor Sharon Cornu and legal adviser Dan Siegel resigned on Monday following the raid of Occupy Oakland. Cornu says she wasn't "meshing" with Quan (who became mayor in November 2010, and has never been overwhelmingly popular), and Siegel quit over Monday morning's raid. Three other officials and staffers have resigned in recent months: Quan's crisis communications manager, the city attorney, and the police chief. Other officials have expressed interest in quitting, so more positions might be opening up in the near future.

Send in your resume today! Or pile your family into the jalopy, make enough flour-and-bacon-fat sandwiches for the road, and show up at City Hall with your application in hand. Make the transition from Okie to Oakie! [Mercury News. Image via AP]