In hindsight, it's regrettable that nobody believed 15-year-old Julio Artuz when he told them he was being bullied and humiliated by one of his teachers. People believe him now, though, because Artuz used his cellphone-video machine to catch his orange-shirted teacher in the act.

Artuz, who attends Bankbridge Regional School in New Jersey, told NBC that his enraged teacher's comments made him "feel like I'm trash." So he used the technology that God gave him and collected himself some damning evidence. After watching his video, we get the feeling that his teacher—who has been placed on administrative leave pending action by the local education board—won't be in a position to swear and threat to kick his ass anymore:


Then again, who knows: A 14-year-old girl outfitted by her parents with a recording device recorded a teacher's aide allegedly calling her an unpopular "dumb" "liar" who needed to lose weight, but the aide wasn't immediately fired—she resigned. The teacher who supervised the aide wasn't fired, either—she's on unpaid leave and might even teach again. (The girl and her family received $300,000 in a settlement with the school.) Maybe Professor Orangeshirt here will just take a refresher course or two on the moral and professional pitfalls of harassing special needs students and then be reinstalled in a classroom. You can bet that, going forward, he'll enforce a "no video" policy. [NBC, MSNBC]