A Completely Gratuitous Gallery of Sexy, Shirtless Celebrities

Happy Sexiest Man Alive day, everyone. That is the day when People magazine announces who their hottest hunk of the year is. This time around it's Bradley Cooper. In his honor, here's a whole gallery of shirtless famous people we think are sexy, for no good reason other than that we know you're pervy.
Here is Mr. Cooper himself in his shirtless scene from The A Team. Yes, his abs were the best thing about that piece of shit. If you want to see more pictures of him and the other boys with their shirts on, go visit People. If you'd rather see some other people we think are sexy with their shirts off, then please, click away.
And feel free to leave dirty pictures of your favorite guys in the comments below.

Ryan Gosling is looking a little pasty here. He's one of the Sexiest Men Alive too, and is looking better than when this picture was taken a few years back. Still it looks like he found something valuable on the beach. Aww, it's my heart.

Oops. Looks like Hugh Jackman lost his butt plug!

Here is the super dreamy (and hairy!) Henry Cavill doing some shirtless work for the new Superman movie. This man is giving me some steel. (Psst, it's in my pants.)
[Image via Pacific Coast News]

You can never go wrong with a David Beckham shot.

Ugh, why is there Ashley Tisdale all up in our Zac Efron?
[Image via Pacific Coast News]

Hey, Ricky Martin. What you doing there? Giving some sort of demonstration?

With the world's perfect abs Joe Manganiello makes me want to love him and kill him at the same time.