Comment of the Day: Rick Perry's Team Apologizes, Again

Today we learned that Rick Perry, everybody's favorite bumbling bumpkin from Texas, is not quite done making a fool of hisself. Fortunately for Perry, he has a frantic team of PR people waiting in the wings to apologize for his inevitable mishaps. One commenter was kind enough to send us today's statement:
The Perry campaign has just released a statement of clarification:
"There have been reports that Governor Perry challenged Congresswoman Pelosi to a debate earlier today, these reports are inaccurate. This morning, Governor Perry drank several "extreme mango" Capri Sun pouches that he found in an old cooler in the woods. He then began demanding that members of his campaign staff "debate him," before tearing off his clothes and declaring himself "King of the Cowboys". We were finally able to wrestle his Blackberry away from him but not before he sent several violent, sexually explicit emails. We would like to pre-apologize to the following people who may have received a message today from Governor Perry:
Harry Reid
Joe Biden
The Judges from "Dancing with the Stars"
The Cast of "Whitney"Governor Perry thanks you for your continued support.
Drink your juice, Perry. There you go...good b- yikes, not that much!
[Image via Getty]