Latest Terror Suspect Is a Loner Who Lives With His Mom

Say hello to Jose Pimentel! Jose, 27, pictured at right, lives in New York City with his mom, enjoys the Internet, and—according to "his friends" (the mainstream media)—is a "loner." Oh, and he was just arrested for allegedly making pipe bombs for terroristic purposes.
Aw man, and he sounded kind of cool until that pipe-bomb part! Authorities say Pimentel is an alleged al-Queda sympathizer and follower of Anwar al-Awlaki—the American-born radical cleric who helped al-Queda with its human resources needs until he was killed by U.S. counterterrorism forces in September 2011. According to the criminal complaint against him, Pimentel wanted to make the bombs to blow up post offices and U.S. soldiers returning from our wars in the Middle East:
He was allegedly in the process of making a pipe bomb, drilling down into a pipe to apparently insert a fuse. He had allegedly purchased hardware and other chemical materials following bomb making recipe directions off Jihadist internet websites. He was apparently using a match heads (with sulfur) and sugar concoction, which he was allegedly intending to ignite to target us servicemen returning from Afghanistan and Iraq, postal offices and other U.S. government facilities.
NYPD Police Chief Ray Kelly says the plot was inspired by al-Awlaki's death.
Apparently Pimentel conducted all his bomb-making while seated in front of the teevee:
He allegedly manufactured a bomb on his mother's couch following the directions in the article "How to Build a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom," from al Qaeda's English-language on-line magazine "Inspire." Radical U.S.-born cleric Anwar Awlaki was a contributor to the magazine.
Authorities have been watching Pimentel since 2009, and believe that he was acting alone in his plot. He now faces charges of conspiracy, first-degree criminal possession of a weapon as a crime of terrorism, and soliciting support for a terrorist act. Should have just taken up electric guitar and practiced Yes solos, like all the "lone wolf who lives with his mom" types we know seem to do.
Some other biographical facts about Pimentel: He was born in the Dominican Republic, came to the U.S. when he was eight, and lived in Washington Heights. In May 2009 he hung out in Schenectady, N.Y. for a while, and that's where he first caught the eye of authorities. At some point in his life he converted to Islam and adopted the name Muhammed Yusef, but he's not very diligent about attending religious services. He ran a "radical" website called TrueIslam1, which hasn't been updated since June 2011 (he's been busy). He's a smoker and a coffee drinker.
How long do you think it will take for the right-wing press to label Pimentel the "Occupy" Pipe Bomber based on no evidence whatsoever, as they did with the "Occupy" White House shooter? We give it about a day.
Update: In reporting on NYC officials' Sunday night press conference about Pimentel's arrest, the LA Times provides this gobbledygooky response from NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg: "This is just another example of New York City because we are an iconic city …this is a city that people would want to take away our freedoms gravitate to and focus on." Once again: Jose Pimentel is an example of New York City. Okay! That should help tourism.
Update 2: Commenter FlowbeeBryant points us toward this tweet by Talking Points Memo Muckraker reporter Ryan J. Reilly: "Source familiar w/ case tells @TPM #FBI declined to take the #NYPD terror case several times. Bureau declining comment."
[CBS News, ABC. Image of Pimentel at his arraignment in Manhattan, Sunday, Nov. 20, via AP]