In your merciless Monday media column: Bloomberg rules, Romenesko is back, the endless "off the record" debate, David Frum vs. Fox News, and Luke Russert's all grown up.

  • Bloomberg (the media company) is just absolutely god damn booming and will never stop making money, according to this accurate overview by Nick Summers. Will Bloomberg buy the FT one day? Sure, who's going to stop it? We would be completely unsurprised to see Bloomberg take a significant stake in the New York Times or the Washington Post one day, or to snap up the WSJ if News Corp tires of it after Rupert Murdoch die. Bloomberg will buy whatever the fuck they want, because of this key business fact: they have lots of money, at a time when many other powerful entities in media don not. Now shut up and get back to work.
  • is up and running! Good luck, "Mediawire, formerly known as Romenesko!" Romenesko's new site already has some worthwhile content, including this look back at Page One and, especially, Romenesko's own story of the disastrous (for Poynter) end to his Poynter career.
  • "Haha" is my response to the latest in a neverending periodic stream of articles fulminating on the definition of "off the record," and what it means for journalists and sources. Check it out: "Off the record" means it cannot be used unless sourced elsewhere. "On background" means it can be used, with no name attached. Most important: since *everyone* has some secret personal definition of these terms, clearly state your attribution needs *before* you say something. That's it! Let's not discuss this for another, oh, three months, at least.
  • Conservo-bot David Frum says that he's been blacklisted by Fox News as retaliation for saying something bad about Rush Limbaugh two years ago. Since this story exclusively involves repugnant people and organizations, let's just hope everyone loses, somehow.
  • Luke Russert is now an "anchor" on MSNBC. LOL.

[Photo: Bernhard Suter/ Flickr]