Hugh Grant added some star power to the phone hacking scandal today when he appeared on the stand in London to tell everyone that he thinks his phone was hacked. He's not sure it was hacked, but he has a sneaking suspicion. It appears that is enough to testify these days.

This wasn't in court but in the Leveson inquiry (doesn't that sound like the name of a bad spy movie?) the hearing that is currently taking place in the wake of the News of the World hacking scandal that took place this summer (see his testimony below). Grant stated that he believes the Mail on Sunday hacked into his voicemail in 2007 and subsequently published a story that he was on the outs with then girlfriend Jemima Khan (you gotta love those British names). He admitted that was subjection, but added that he would like to hear just what source the Mail might have used to get the story. We'd like to hear too. This could blow the lid off of the whole "source close to" industry that keeps many tabloids in business.

The other remarkable thing about his testimony is that Grant is the first person to accuse a newspaper not owned by Rupert Murdoch of phone hacking. It appear that the practice might have spread outside of his company. That means all British newspapers might soon be out of business and USA Today will take over the old country. Hope they like infographics!

I wish I was at the hearing today. Oh, I don't really care about phone hacking, I just want to ask Hugh Grant where all the floppiness has gone from his hair. It's so sad.

[Image via Getty]