Jay-Z Becomes Symbol of the 1% in Awesome Scrooge McDuck Totem Pole Sculpture

Jay-Z's Man of the Year profile in the latest GQ extols the rapper's appreciation for art. Still, he probably won't want to add sculptor Daniel Edwards' latest work to his collection. As a response to Hova's recent Occupy Wall Street Rocawear T-shirt debacle, Edwards has created this rendering of Jay-Z with a big dollar-sign medallion around his neck and the heads of Mr. Burns, Scrooge McDuck, and Richie Rich stacked on top of him.
Speaking about "The Scrooge Totem Pole," as it is named, Edwards (who famously sculpted Britney Spears giving birth and, this year, a nude statue of Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber) told XXL:
I think Jay-Z has made himself a face of [the] Wall Street that Occupiers are protesting against. Maybe Jay-Z is striving to be in the one percent? Which is why I chose the composition of a totem pole because I thought it would resemble the number one. Rap stars who turn 'Scrooge' have to suffer some damage to their street credibility.
As Jay said in GQ: "That's art workin'."