Angelina Jolie is a frail, skeletal wisp of a woman. A beautiful skeletal wisp, but a wisp nonetheless. And now it appears that she is getting wispier, on account of the fact that, well, she just plum "forgets to eat."

That is a thing that one mustn't forget to do! According to Grazia magazine, Angie is subsisting on a meager 600 calories a day, putting the 5-foot 8-inch willow plant at just under 100 pounds. And whether it is because she is too busy corralling her six United Colors of Benetton children, juggling the crazy schedule of an actor/writer/director, shouldering all of the world's burdens on her thin, birdlike shoulders, or because she has decided to shed what little pounds she has left, the point is that someone needs to get this pretty lady a pizza pie. Or a Filofax so she can better schedule her meals.

[NYP, Daily Mail, images via AP]