No, not the shitty old shack in the movie where Ben Affleck goes to pick up Matt Damon each day before work, except in that last scene because Matt Damon leaves to make something of himself. Not that house! Rather this is the house where Matt and Ben lived while they were writing the screenplay.

And it is wicked beautiful. The home was built in the 19th century but has since been redesigned as the 2,187 square feet creative beehive it is today. With four bedrooms, two bathrooms, wood floors and fireplaces for days, and beautiful views of L.A. below, it seems like the perfect Hollywood respite.

The home is currently listed at $779K, down from the original asking price of just shy of $1.3 million. Are you all running over to the Real Estate Store right now to buy? Because that is one ganga of a deal.

[Zillow Blog, Images via Locke Partners]