Twitter Deeply Confused at 'Union Leader Endorses Gingrich' Headline

The old trolls at the Manchester Union Leader—New Hampshire's largest paper—have endorsed Newt Gingrich in the state's upcoming Republican primary. But the pundits on Twitter still had questions! Questions like, who is the union leader who is endorsing Newt?
It must be a proud moment for Newt, to be included with such GOP luminaries as Pat Buchanan, Steve Forbes and Pierre S. DuPont IV—all of whom received the coveted Union Leader endorsement and went on to illustrious careers as a television racist, a publisher of listicles, and a terrible Wall Street Journal columnist, respectively. After all, Newt is not really in the running for president! He is in the running for "person whose products will be bought by conservatives next year," and the Union Leader's endorsement (which has gone to only two eventual nominees, and only one eventual president) is one of the quickest paths to that status. So good for Newt, and for the people who publish his alternate historical fiction!
Still: Twitter remained unconvinced. Does this change the media narrative? Is Romney in trouble? Will conservatives rally around Gingrich? wondered hundreds of irritating people. And more importantly, many keen political followers asked, why did a union boss just endorse Newt Gingrich?
@jaketapper if a union boss says yes 2 Gingrich, that's reason enuff for conservative voters 2 say no #tcotSun Nov 27 12:47:04 via Twitter for iPhone

The unions are now endorsing Newt...WTHSun Nov 27 14:08:42 via Twitter for iPhone

Newt Gingrich Endorsed By New Hampshire Union Leader I thought the GOP considered 'unions the problem with America" !Sun Nov 27 14:12:28 via web

Why in the world would a union leader back Newt or any republican candidate for that matter?Sun Nov 27 13:27:42 via Twitter for iPhone

Is it some type of rope a dope or deception why would a union boss be endorsing any Republican Candidate let alone Newt? #tcot #tlotSun Nov 27 13:37:59 via TweetCaster for Android

the same union that just endorsed Newt did the same for McCain in 2008...hmmm ... tellingSun Nov 27 14:06:58 via web

who is the union that supports newt?Sun Nov 27 14:25:00 via web

Newt getting the endorsement from the union leaders in NH says a lot on how people view romney,"flipper". Iowa, sc &fl could go newt.Sun Nov 27 14:28:28 via Twitter for Android