[There was a video here]

In case you didn't think that gay jack-of-all-trade Neil Patrick Harris didn't want to fill the seat on Coffee Klatch: LIVE! vacated by Regis Philbin, he actually pretended to be Regis this morning while guest hosting with celebrity fag hag Kelly Ripa.

NPH is talking about the insanity in Midtown Manhattan last night thanks to the tree lighting at Rockefeller Center and President Obama coming to town (just like Santa) and the only way he could express this annoyance on television at 9am was to break into a Regis Philbin voice. It's good! This guy can sing, dance, act, take his shirt off at a moments notice, raise the world's cutest babies with his committed life partner, and put up with Kelly Ripa at 9am. (OK, guys, I don't hate Kelly Ripa. Actually, I kind of like her. I was a Haley and Mateo fan back in the day. I think she's great and funny and cool and she makes me laugh when she's on Andy Cohen's Half Hour Make Me Famous Hour, but she is a loud, slightly shrill, animated blonde lady who is on television at 9 in the damn morning. The only thing I want to see at 9am is a muffin, a hot shower, and last night's trick leaving. Kelly Ripa, while a wonderful person and a great host, is just a little, um, much for me in the morning, OK? Do we have this cleared up now?)

Oh, we're talking about Neil Patrick Harris. Just give the guy the job already!