Today we learned that Neil Patrick Harris is officially the most popular golden charmboy America has ever seen. And he's looking to solidify this well-earned title by scootin' on over next to red washing machine lady, Kelly Ripa to take Regis' place. One commenter thinks NPH should skip daytime TV and head for the Oval Office instead.

From Coldouglas:

NPH needs to run for President instead of doing that gig. As, yes, a Republican. For the following reasons:

a) Fred Karger, as the token gay Jewish candidate in the race, needs a WASP counterbalance who is gay and not Mormon.

b) Giving the anticipated budget deficits in 2013, the nation cannot afford to build a new wing of the White House just so Mitt's 340,000 third cousins can all say they slept there once during his term(s).

c) Newt needs to fulfill the destiny to which he was born: night-managing a motel in Neptune, New Jersey. (Credit an old Zippy strip for that one.)

Or, on the other hand, we could just re-elect Obama. So go ahead and do this gig, Neil. Just as long you remember to sing a few bars from one of the Assassins tunes just before the break, every so often.

Vote Neil Patrick Harris and Bo Obama in 2012!

[Image via Getty]