God Can't Make Up His Mind About Homophobic Teen Sex Pastor's Divorce

It only took about 15 months of "deliberation and prayer" after her husband was accused of coercing four teenage boys into sex for Vanessa Long, wife of Bishop Eddie Long, to seek a divorce. But, whoops, turns out God changed his mind!
In September of 2010, four young men came forward with lawsuits against Eddie Long—a well-known social conservative and Atlanta megachurch pastor—claiming that the bishop had plied them with vacations, cars and money in exchange for sex, starting when they were 16. (The cases were dismissed this spring after Long reached settlements with each of the men.) Yesterday, Vanessa Long filed for divorce, releasing a statement this morning that read "[a]fter a great deal of deliberation and prayer, I have decided to terminate my marriage to Bishop Eddie L. Long."
We get it! Sometimes you need a solid year-and-a-quarter of praying to really figure out if you want to ditch your alleged teen-boy-loving hubby! Only I guess she was praying wrong, or something, because just a few hours after her initial statement comes this:
"Upon prayerful reflection, I have reconsidered and plan to withdraw my petition for divorce from my husband, Bishop Eddie L. Long," she said in an emailed statement bearing the New Birth logo. "I love my husband. I believe in him and admire his strength and courage."
She went on to blame "years of attacks in the media" for her initial decision to seek a divorce.
It is pretty easy to mistake "years of attacks in the media" for "deliberation and prayer." We all do it! In any event, best of luck to the Longs on their marriage. Just make sure that you're deliberating and reflecting and praying properly!