Champagne toasts! Chocolate fountains! Ice sculptures! Pin the tail on the urchin! Christmas season is upon us, which means well-heeled banksters will soon be gathering in the back rooms of Manhattan's finest eateries to honor Satan with shameless orgies of consumption. Tell us all about them.

As far as we, know Goldman Sachs didn't cancel Christmas this year (as it has in the past), even though earnings are in the toilet and an itinerant army of dirty hippies stands ready to shame them. So while Wall Street's effort to mark the birth of Christ will likely be more subdued than usual this year, we'd still love to hear stories of how the One Percent—and by that we mean any of your major corporate entities, not just the banks—celebrates the holiday season. So if you are invited to, attend, or work at a primo holiday party, kindly direct all your tales of filthy excess (or privation!), gaudy invitations, ill-considered themes, and surreptitiously taken photos to our attention at

Happy Chanukkah!

[Image via Shutterstock]