[Updated.] Yesterday, we brought you an email sent out at 4 a.m. by a frantic Chet Haze — multi-hyphenate hip-hop impresario/Northwestern junior theater major/Rita Wilson's son — to his entire philosophy class, after realizing he was missing a month's worth of class notes for a term paper due THAT DAY. You've undoubtedly been able to to think of nothing else since.

And so we are thrilled to report that an anonymous Patron of the Privileged Cracka Arts took pity on Mr. Haze and gave him their notes. It's all laid out in this Facebook screengrab, sent in by a tipster, in which Chet (who goes by his given name, Chester Marlon Hanks), sends mad love out to the "good peoplez" of Northwestern's Philosophy 101 for coming through in the clutch. Can you get us a copy of the paper? Or find out his grade? You know where to reach us.

UPDATE: We've received a few tips from Northwestern students who've clarified that we have actually combined two, separate incidents of Chet Haze emailing everyone in his class for help with his coursework. The Facebook status above actually refers to a second email (pictured below), sent to his philosophy class, in which he relays confusion over the exact due-date of his final. That means we have no official confirmation as to whether or not Chet ever got those notes he asked for in the first email, which was actually sent to his history class. We apologize for the confusion — though in our defense, it pales in comparison to the confusion that Mr. Haze seems to be experiencing as the semester draws to a close.