What the world has been missing lately is a big, all-stars-on-deck charity single to benefit a needy cause (casual racism optional). So we're really glad that Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, Diddy, Chris Brown, Floyd Mayweather (Floyd Mayweather?) and others have joined together to release the "Megaupload Mega Song," to benefit the, uh, charitable cause of, well, a file-sharing site.

If you've had to COMPLETELY LEGALLY obtain a TOTALLY LEGAL file or watch IN AN UNQUESTIONABLY ON-BOARD WAY a video THAT IS LIKE 100 PERCENT LAWFUL, you're probably familiar with the website MegaUpload. (Also known as MegaVideo, and, we've heard, MegaRotic.) It's the new target of an campaign from Creative America, an anti-piracy lobbying and publicity alliance between studios, record labels, networks and unions—and in order to respond they put together this track. It's really... something, isn't it?
