Hey 'Ching' and 'Chong,' Your Chick-fil-A Is Ready

Well, this won't help Chick-fil-A appear any less bigoted: A Tumblrer d/b/a "Lolwhut" reports that his friend and an acquaintance—both of whom are Asian—stopped by a Chick-fil-A in Irvine for some sandywitches and, upon placing their orders, received these receipts referring to them as "Ching" and "Chong." The cashier's name: Rosie O'Donnell.
No it wasn't! It was "Lia." After learning of his friend's encounter with Racist Lia, Lolwhut stopped by the Chick-fil-A and confronted the manager:
I told him that this cannot happen ever again. I chose to be calm about it, but I was ready to go off. I made it known that it wasn't okay, and that I didn't appreciate it whatsoever. I think I indirectly fired Lia…"
As pointed out by the Orange County Weekly, Lolwhut has written a follow-up Tumblpost in which he asks the outraged public at large not to make sweeping generalizations about Chick-fil-A employees based on just one employee's actions, but to "be respectful and THINK." So please continue doing lunchtime business with Chink-Chick-fil-A: your source for anti-Asian purchase slips and heterosexual-friendly waffle fries.