Hamilton Nolan · 05/16/16 12:38PM
Chicken McNuggets to Become Less Artificial But Still Exist Somehow
Hamilton Nolan · 04/28/16 11:48AMHamilton Nolan · 03/10/16 12:04PM
America Is Giving Out Free Data to Chipotle Today
Jordan Sargent · 02/08/16 12:55PM
Chipotle is closed this afternoon because the company gave a bunch of people E. coli and now must make a grand public showing of how serious they are about not poisoning us. As part of this savvy public relations gambit, the company announced today that we’re all entitled to a free burrito. In return, Chipotle only wants one thing.
Chipotle Refuses To Take the 'Diarrhea Burrito' Off Its Menu
Melissa Cronin · 12/05/15 03:54PMWow--a Billion Waffles--This Calls For a Waffle House Jam Session--Agree?
Hamilton Nolan · 09/09/15 11:12AMHamilton Nolan · 08/05/15 01:55PM
McDonald's Wants a God Damn Medal for Serving Slightly Less Poison
Hamilton Nolan · 06/25/15 11:51AMKFConspiracy: Did KFC Serve Someone a Fried, Breaded Rat Tender?
Jay Hathaway · 06/17/15 09:33AM
Kentucky Fried Chicken might as well be called Kentucky Fried Breading, because that is clearly the only reason to eat there. But the chicken, bland though it may be, is more important than it seems, because breading on a rat just tastes “nasty.” That’s according to a man who says he accidentally tried it.
Hamilton Nolan · 05/07/15 03:07PM
Hamilton Nolan · 04/22/15 01:23PM
Hamilton Nolan · 04/15/15 08:21AM
You Are Paying Billions Because McDonald's and Walmart Won't
Hamilton Nolan · 04/13/15 03:34PMHamilton Nolan · 04/01/15 03:02PM
McDonald's Is America's Most Cynical Corporation
Hamilton Nolan · 02/02/15 11:46AMMcDonald's, the molded plastic king of America's molded plastic cuisine, has decided that money will no longer suffice to purchase its meager offerings; the company now demands that you degrade yourself in order to be fed.
Elegy for a Bad McDonald's CEO
Hamilton Nolan · 01/29/15 12:15PMDouble Down Dog Is KFC's Latest Depraved Assault on Your Digestive Tract
Andy Cush · 01/26/15 11:47AM
Close your eyes and imagine: chicken entrails blended and stuffed into a fleshy, pill-shaped sac, then infused with a savory cheese-inspired paste. Wrap that nuclear taste missile in a slab of breaded poultry, top it with a drizzle of deli mustard, and launch it careening toward your own gaping maw. Do you like it? You've just been Doubled Down, Dog, courtesy of KFC.