Crazy homeless lady in training Courtney Love is about to be homeless for real because her landlord is evicting her from the $27,000 a month Village townhouse she's been living in since February. Apparently Courtney tried to burn the place down. Of course she did.

This is Courtney Love we are talking about here, people. Letting her rent your fancy four-story home that is worth millions of dollars and that was decorated by some guy who was in Elle Decor is like handing a box full of your grandmother's china to someone with Parkinson's. Didn't you foresee this happening?

Donna Lyon, the owner of the house, tells Page Six that Courtney ruined the interiors by painting over walls and installing wallpaper. Also, a candle set a curtain on fire earlier this year. Duh. Courtney Love can't have nice things. She can hardly manage to wipe the drool off her face when she hits the red carpet. Oh, and she's $54,000 behind on the rent. Again, of course. Seriously, Donna, you seem like a nice lady, but you need to be a little bit better about picking the tenants.

[Image via Getty]