You can't miss BetaBeat's profile of Kirk and Nate Mueller. They are twee twin twentysomething designers, omg. They design all of the iPad things, OMG. They refer to themselves as "living decorative objects," ZOMG.

The identical twins live together in a Prospect Heights brownstone, put on (often matching) clothes together in a shared "dressing area," use a common bank account and résumé, stand 5'5", and "tend to turn, birdlike, to face each other, often hesitating until they've reached some sort of wordless consensus before offering a response.... 'We get stopped once a week by people who say, ‘Have you been interviewed for a magazine or newspaper?' and we just go, ‘Nooo,' Kirk said." These guys!

They helped win the Tablet App of the Year award from the Society of Publication Designers and Cover of the Year from Time for an animated, stop-motion cover for one of Martha Stewart's iPad publications. They've done e-books for Vanity Fair and Bon Appetit and are now working on projects for the New Yorker and Newsweek, whose editor said of them, "at this point in media, they have a bit of a lore, like, ‘Oh, the Mueller Brothers are coming!"

Stewart tried - successfully! - to get them on her show.

The pair are more evidence that the iPad can magically transform lowly print designers into digital demigods. Remember the Condé Nast designer who was compared to Jesus and Miles Davis after he took over development of iPad editions? (Said designer Scott Dadich is, naturally, a fan, patron, and collaborator of the iPad twins. Ya, it's like that.)

Correction: The awards for the Martha Stewart cover were given to a team led by Gael Towey of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, not by the twins themselves. We've updated our wording to reflect this, and also clarified that Stewart not only tried but succeeded in getting the twins on her show.

[Image via Etsy Labs/Flickr]