Introducing Your Guest Golden Globes Tweeter: Justin Vivian Bond

We have a whole bunch of fun stuff planned for the Golden Globes, but there's one thing you won't see on the site, so we wanted to make you aware of it now. We're giving control of Gawker's Twitter account to author, cabaret star, and all-around funny person Justin Vivian Bond during the broadcast.
Justin is going to be tweeting jokes, wry observations, and other goodies from @Gawker from 8-11pm while the show is on. It's going to be great, and we hope you follow along.
For those of you who don't know, Mx. Justin Vivian Bond is an amazing artist. (Justin is also as trans as a Colorado Girl Scout troop and prefers the pronoun "V," especially when the NY Times and New Yorker are writing about V.) Justin first gained notoriety as the cofounder of legendary cabaret duo Kiki & Herb and released V's first solo album Dendrophile last year. V is also the author of Tango: My Childhood, Backwards and in High Heels.
Anyone who has seen Justin perform will tell you that one of the best parts is the stories V tells and the jokes V cracks on the fly. That's what is going to make V a qualified Twitter jokester for all of our Gawker fans. In the past, I've found V's take on awards shows from V's personal twitter account absolutely hilarious so I'm pleased as a Best Supporting Actress nominee to have V with us for the Globes. Enjoy, everyone!
[Images via Getty]