[There was a video here]

We weren't the only ones simultaneously grossed out by and fascinated with human DNA factory Trent Arsenault—the prolific DIY sperm donor who happens to be a prolific amateur porn star. He's going to be on Anderson Cooper's daytime talk show tomorrow, where he'll admit to being a 36-year-old virgin with more than a dozen kids.

In this preview clip, Arsenault, who's been under fire from the FDA to shut down his one-man sperm bank, reiterates that he's a "donorsexual"—that is, all his sexual energy is devoted to donating sperm (and populating his Xtube site with videos of himself masturbating into a cup). "I don't have other activity outside of that," he said. "I will probably be the 40 year-old virgin but I will have 15-plus kids." Don't you love science?

ABC is really milking (ahem) this Trent Arsenault thing. Last week they published his special blueberry "fertility smoothie" recipe in honor of a 20/20 appearance. Maybe next week they'll give him a cooking show.