L.A. Quasi-Cop Who Made Uniformed Porno Wants His Job Back

John Dancler, the L.A. "parking enforcement official" who made a pornographic movie while on duty and in uniform, had a civil service hearing this week to beg for his job back. A hearing examiner was forced to scrutinize "every frame" of Dancler's movie, then quizzed him about "slapping her behind." Awk-ward.
"It was not the best thing I've ever done," Dancler admitted. The head of parking enforcement testified against Dancler. [NBC-LA]
Update: I initially referred to Dancler as a former "cop," which is incorrect. He was employed by the Department of Transportation and had authority when it came to parking laws. His "parking enforcement official" uniform was, however, police-y enough for a police fetish porno.