NYPD Doubts That NYPD Commissioner's Son Is a Rapist

Last week, NYC Fox News anchor Greg Kelly, the son of NYPD commissioner Ray Kelly, was accused of rape by a woman who said that he, you know, raped her in her office following a night of drinking. Now, anonymous police sources tell the city's least trustworthy tabloid that Kelly may be innocent.
Anonymous NYPD sources say that they suspect that the woman may have had a consensual encounter with Kelly, then changed her story and accused him of rape after her boyfriend found out about it. From the NY Post:
Perhaps most damning was her disclosure that she continued texting with Kelly after their romp in the law office where she works, hoping to set up another hookup.
The text messages from her phone "say in substance, ‘Do you want to meet up again?' '' according to a law-enforcement source.
Police sources tell police-sympathetic paper that police commissioner's son is innocent. BIG SURPRISE. But seriously folks, we have no evidence whatsoever upon which to base any conclusion of one sort or the other, we just bring this stuff to you, the "court of public opinion," for ruling. Our opinion is worthless, so don't even ask us. Just form your own equally worthless opinion.