If you are anything like me, and I get the feeling that a lot of you are just like me, you are carefully crossing out everyday on your desk calendar as we edge slowly towards the March 23rd premiere of The Hunger Games. But waiting is a fool's game and fortunately for us, February has brought us both a second trailer and a chance to attend the premiere.

Movieline is giving away two free tickets to the Los Angeles premiere to the "best, most inspired Hunger Games-themed haiku." If The Hunger Games is about one thing, it is about poetry.

Nope, just kidding, there is virtually no poetry in the trilogy and this contest doesn't make a ton of sense. But it does make for a fun and stimulating Friday activity. So let's give it a whirl: put your best Hunger Games haiku in the comments. The person who wins will be safe from The Reaping for another year.

Here is mine:

Brave, hungry Katniss
Share some groosling with Peeta
Share some Gale with me.