Newspaper Survives 'Comment Flash Mob'

At 3:15PM, Berlin time, The Wall Street Journal suffered an unprecedented attack, The Wall Street Journal reports. A shadowy organization called "Anonymous Kollektiv" had orchestrated a "comment flash mob." The chilling result: Facebook comments. Here is what they said:
Dear editors of the German Wall Street Journal, You equated Anonymous with Al-Qaeda in your February 2012 article and the related coverage. With this type of coverage you may be able to stir up fear in the United States, but not in the land of poets and thinkers! With this comment, we would like to oppose the deliberate dissemination of false information and express our displeasure with your lobby journalism. We are Anonymous. We are millions. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us!
Do you work at The Wall Street Journal? How are you surviving the comment flash mob? What have you stockpiled in your comment flash mob bunker? How many poets and thinkers have been ritualistically sacrificed so far? [WSJ, image via CAIVP]