Move over, Norbit — on Saturday, Adam Sandler beat the previous record of five Razzie nominations with a staggering 11. The Razzies, which are basically the Oscars for terrible movies, has singled Sandler out for his writing, producing, and acting work in the films Jack and Jill, Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star, and Just Go With It.

Sandler's nominations include worst actor for both "Jack and Jill" and "Just Go with It" - and worst actress for "Jack and Jill," in which he plays a family man and his own twin sister.

Razzies founder John Wilson actually seems impressed by Sandler's commitment to awful movies, though he does acknowledge that such a record-breaking nomination sweep is "almost karmic."

It's worth noting that while Jack and Jill received a total of 12 nominations, Transformers: Dark of the Moon earned a respectable 9. Not impressed yet? Transformers is also nominated for three Academy Awards: Best Visual Effects, Best Sound Editing, and Best Sound Mixing. Dare we predict a sweep?

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